Dear Parent / Guardian:
When my wife, gave birth to our twins Matt & Abby, we had no idea how much our nights were about to change. We’d read all the books – the ones that told us boy and girl twins would be sleeping 20 out of 24 hours in the beginning.
We had visions of bending over our twins crib to gaze at their angelic faces as they slept while we embraced.
Boy, were we in for a big surprise!
I love Matt & Abby – don’t get me wrong. But after the first night of endless crying, I just wanted to run out the door for some peace and quiet.
I knew after that very first night that we couldn’t live that way for long. And I never wanted to go through it again if it was possible to avoid it. So my wife and I took turns caring for Matt & Abby while we devoured advice from every expert in the fields of both parenting and sleep.
But we didn’t stop there…
We talked to friends, family, neighbors, pediatricians…anyone we could ask advice from. We even made up methods of our own and used Matt & Abby as guinea pigs to see if we could get them to sleep – and keep them sleeping through the night – without losing our minds or our money.
If You and Your Babies Are Sleep-Starved,
Then You Must Be Hungry for a Solution
Once we compared what we’d learned, we were able to put together a strategy to keep boy and girl twins from fussing at night and we were actually able to teach them how to sleep on a schedule that allowed us to get our life back!
You want the best for your babies. As a parent, you make sure your twins needs are met – that they’re healthy, happy, and comforted on a daily basis. But if your babies are having trouble sleeping, it’s torture to them – and to the rest of the family.
In Baby Sleep Miracle, you’ll learn how to set your babies on a path to regular slumber. That includes necessary naps and bedtimes. It’s more than setting up a routine and sticking to it.
There are scientific methods that back up your ability to teach your child to sleep on demand. You must have these techniques in the back of your mind at all times – because life has a sneaky way of interrupting even the tightest schedules – and when babies doesn’t get sleep – babies gets mad!
Don’t wait for a steady sleeping schedule to just happen upon your household. If your pediatrician asked if you’d like to know how to get your baby to sleep well every night without any problems, would you turn that advice down?
Of course not! So why would you say no now?